Saturday, July 05, 2008

4th of July = FOOD!!!

What is it with holidays that makes us want to ingest large amounts of food? Well, this past holiday wasn't any different.

For us, 2008's 4th of July celebrations consisted of food, food and MORE food. Since Friday was the holiday, we started our "vaca" on Thursday night! The hubby and I came home from S.F. (working is good, but holidays, even better!). We dropped by my sister's house and hung out for a bit. We introduced them to our first season of 'Til Death. The first season is the best and is a really awesome show to watch with married friends or with your spouse. We watched a couple episodes before noticing my brother-in-law snoring away.

Oh, and we also watched the results show for this season's "So You think You Can Dance." That show has to be my favorite summer show. =)

Afterwards, we went to my brother's house and watched "Vantage Point" for the second time, and then while Angie and I fell asleep, her in her nice bed and me on the floor, my brother and husband explored the new world of the PS3. Oh, yes... boys just flock to a new gaming system!

Well, needless to say, we didn't get out of there for a while, so the 4th started with us sleeping in, a bit, and a semi-large breakfast with my parents. We hung out for a bit and went to our next food destination - my sister's house!

Now, anyone who knows my sister knows she can put on a dinner party. She did not disappoint when she mentioned a casual lunch. Nope! I took some pictures:

Here's her 4th of July themed table. Yum!

Here's more food on the table. Love the presentation and colors! We had steak, hot dogs, veges and other stuff for the vegetarians.
Here's the fam around the table post-lunch. Eating laughing, bonding...good times. We were minus Angie and plus Morris.

We cleaned up and watched some tv and a movie ("Look Who's Talking." Remember that movie? My very pregnant sister felt like watching a movie about babies. cute! )

When we were done, we looked up and saw that we were late for dinner! Yup! We were scheduled to go to my aunt's house for another barbecue. We went and once again loaded up on the food. We were there with other family and friends. Here's a picture of my cousins Jonathan and Jeremy loading up on the salmon.

Here's another shot of the food-laden table.'s a picture my cousins (Jonathan, Jeremy, Melissa, Mariel and Anthony) thoroughly addicted to "Sequence." I thought they'd love it, as do it. =)

This is the first 4th of July I've spent with my family in who knows how long. I hope everyone's holiday was just as good!!!