Sunday, December 30, 2007

Happy Holidays!

I haven't posted in SOOOO long, and I have so much to post about! Hopefully I'll be able to find a minute in the next month to post the pictures I want to and post about what's been going on.

In the last month, our good friends Kristin & Isaac have left Orlando. As much as I'm excited for them to start their life in Texas, we will really miss them here. We also had a great Thanksgiving and then Christmas in California.

I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday season!!! Hope to catch up soon!!!!!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

In Time Por Christmas!

If you haven't checked out my cousin's tee shirt website lately, you should! This is one of his recent designs which I think is awesome!

Also, I got this tee shirt for a friend of mine, and he's always being stopped and asked where he got it. It says: ...and it looks like this:

Anyways, check out his site at

One Week Jobs

Did anybody read the article in the NY Times about the guy working a different job a week in order to help him find his passion? You can find the article here.

It's quite fascinating, really. Apparently this guy, Sean, graduated from college with a Business Administration degree. He was having dinner with his dad, an accountant, by the way, who asked his son what he wanted to do, job-wise! Sean replied that he wanted to find a job that he was passionate about, to which his father replied, "I've been around for 60 years and I've yet to find something I'm passionate about except your mother."

I thought that was both a very sweet thing to say about his wife and the exact words that would depress a poor 25-year old into doing what he currently is doing - working a different job every week for a year.

It sounds as if this guy has, among other things, taught bungee-jumping, sold tee shirts at the Toronto Music Film Festival, worked as an aquarium host, radio DJ, tattoo artist (scary!) and a brewmaster!

The article spoke about Gen Y'ers and their tendencies of short attention spans and laziness, of how they grew up with parents and people telling them to explore their options since anything was possible for them. And they're willing to do so! Since many look at their parents and see how unhappy they are in their jobs, they vow to not end up like them in thankless-passionless jobs they are condemned to wake up to for the remainder of their lives.

What do you think?

The article does mention that jobs where you can start, work a full career and retire in do not exist as in the past, so what are we expected to do? Honestly, I don't know many people who would be happy to retire doing the job they're in right now. I know nurses, doctors, accountants, lawyors, artists, personal trainers, teachers, engineers, sales people in real estate and ski resorts, interior designers, farmers...and just the other week, I met someone who made prosthetic limbs! Are they all happy and passionate about what they're doing?

I can admit that I have put a lot of thought lately into what else I could and would do if I was given the chance. I know the older I get, the less likely I will be actually doing this. I've invested a lot of time and effort into the "track" I am currently on. Would I want to scrap it all and start over?

Can I? I now have a family that may be growing in the next couple years. Should I put them on the backburner just so I can check out another career choice - which, let's face it, may not be what I want either!

Well, anyways, I thought the article interesting. Check out Sean's own blog - One Week Job - searching a Passion, not just a career - documenting via blog posts and video his learning experience. I believe he's in week #32.