Thursday, May 31, 2007

Pre-wedding activities

Okay, so I'm getting married in three days! Whoa!

Who would've thunk it - the time passed...and the wedding day is actually here!

I've been in California for the last couple days taking care of stuff. I would post pictures except I can't seem to get my sister's card reader to work...but I'll do that later...

Sunday, my sister and family threw me an awesome shower! Of course, I was dillusional in thinking my family and church I grew up in would give me a nice simple shower. My sister and family made a whole meal! It was not only delicious (people were asking if my sister was also catering the wedding) but it was all presented so nicely! Pictures to come...

Then we played some games and opened presents.


I almost made it through the whole pre-wedding era without opening a gift that made a filipino blush. Not that there was anything SUPER intimate...but when you're sitting at the front of the and friends from my CHURCH that I grew up in sitting and standing around watching and laughing, old and young...and I open up a bag that has something that I could only wear behind bedroom doors...I try to put it away but the crowd mentality kicks in resulting in a collective call to see the tissue-wrapped item in the I have to pull it out, but I don't know exactly how the thing works, so I get flustered and more red...more crowd hootin' and hollerin'...Valerie sweating...must please crowd..., that was just a weird flashback...

so, yes...thank you, MOM, for supplying such entertainment for the insatiable crowd...and to all you others who thought it'd be fun to throw in the occasional "special" gift amidst the towels, toiletries and Pyrex products, THANK YOU! Though, if I hear another collective crowd "Ooooooo..."

But, it was tons of fun, and I thank all who came and gave gifts...and especially to my family who spent countless hours on the handmade invitations, "borrowing" church tables and chairs, driving to Berkeley just for that $1.50 tomato (and more) - I REALLY appreciate ALL of it... I had a fabulous time!!!

That was Sunday. The rest of the time since has been spent shopping and meeting up with people helping out with the wedding. My sister has definitely put her creativity to good use for this wedding, and I'm looking forward to seeing everything put together on the wedding day.

People started coming in yesterday, and today is pick-up-future-husband-and-friends-and- marriage-license day. Oh, and we're bringing a bunch of Floridians to In 'N Out, too. That'll be fun!

So, I sit here yawning my poor head off. Unfortunately, my body has moved to California time in the evenings but is trying to hang on to Florida time in the mornings.

Someone, please slip me a sleeping pill Saturday night...yeah?

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Yes, I'm still alive and well. Sane, too!

I am in my last week in Orlando leaving Saturday for California! At the moment, its nearly 1:30 in the morning, so please pardon my inability to convey my extreme excitement over the upcoming activities.

Over the last couple weeks, we have been the recipient of wedding showers and parties thrown by our wonderful friends and family. Since it is now 2am, I will leave the pictures in the weird format that its in for now.

The first set of pictures are from the shower thrown for us at work. My coworkers were sweet to decorate one of the conference rooms for the party. As much as I like parties, I don't normally prefer to be the center of them, but they were so sweet.

The second set of pictures are from the party thrown for us by our good friends Kristin & Isaac and Kristen. There was yummy brunch food and games... one game was to have Eliasib go through a household-chore game where he had to preheat the oven, load the dishwasher, take out the trash, vacuum and bring me a glass of water. He went up against Sean and Tyson and won. That's reasurring! =)

There was also a cake decorating competition where each group was given the chance to showcase their creative sugar skills...they all did a great job.

Eliasib's family also threw us a VERY nice shower a couple weeks ago, although I do not have any pictures from it. The shower was a surprise, and it was a great surprise.

We have one more shower ahead of us this weekend thrown by my lovely family in California. I can't wait to see what they have in store for ms (Eliasib will still be here in Orlando).

Hopefully I'll be able to post more pictures next week!

Thanks sooo much, everyone! I'm off to bed now!