Sunday, January 21, 2007

Life in a nutshell

Okay, for you people out there that actually check my blog, I great apologize for not posting since Christmas Eve. Life has pretty much rushed me HARD, and sometimes it feels as if I'm barely hanging in on. I also have been VERY negligent on taking the needed pictures to document my life. I will be better.

Anyways, since my last post, here's what has been going on:

- New Years: spent home with friends. We ate a little, played a little, and what self-respecting party would we be having at Fern Ave. if we didn't have a little fireworks to keep the neighbors up at 1am in the morning. I actually may be able to dig up some pictures on this one.

- Roy and Catherine's wedding: congratulations to my good friends Roy and Catherine. It was a pleasure being able to help you guys out as needed. Roy, thank you for making your wedding a tough act to follow.

- Amy's Birthday: Wow...a birthday that spans two days is always a fun event. Sorry we were late...both times.

All in all, the weekends have been pretty busy. but its almost been tame compared to what I've been needing to do to bring home the bacon.

I believe I've worked about three week's amount of work in the last two weeks. I've put tons of miles on my poor little car (the same one I've had since me, I'm keeping it until it chokes), and Friday night, I fell asleep and other than being awake for probably about an hour in total, I didn't wake up until 6:15 pm Saturday night.

Seriously, when you LIVE your life working, you start to wonder if its ever going to change. You start rationalizing that everyone lives life working until they find the next thing they think they want to do...then they do that until the next "best" thing comes. And retire.

Really? Is it how life is?

Oh, and I'll report on the wedding later...

Hopefully life will calm down soon!