Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas Eve Day!!!

Merry Christmas Eve Day, Everyone!!!

Christmas Eve is the "big day" for my family. We get together, eat, play and then open presents at midnight.

Whatever day is your family's day, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!!!

Monday, December 04, 2006


So the other day, I'm laying on the couch with my left hand near my face and my hair all over the place, and the fiance looks over, pauses and says, "You look pretty!" To which I say, "Thank you!" You see, he's a typical man...compliments are few and far between...which make them mean a lot when they do come.

And then, I kid you not, he says, "Yeah, you look like one of those asian mail order brides - because you have that ring."

That's my fiance, folks! Gotta love him. =)

I was reading him my "100 Things About Me," and afterwards, he mentioned that he didn't think I could write 100 things about him. Of course, I said I bet I could and took on the challenge. Here, my friends, is 100 things about my fiance. For you observant ones out there, you may pick up on the fact that he and I are quite different. Heck...we have the administered test to prove it!!!

100 Things About Eliasib:

  1. Eliasib is tall and left handed.
  1. Eliasib used to play the saxophone.
  1. Eliasib has made more than 60 skydive jumps.
  1. He once landed on a cactus.
  1. Eliasib likes getting mani’s and pedi’s.
  1. His favorite food is Mediterranean.
  1. But then again, he doesn’t like to say that anything is his “favorite” since he doesn’t like to commit to anything.
  1. Eliasib’s decided he could commit to me.
  1. Eliasib claims the white hair he has in his beard is from Valerie.
  1. Eliasib has an older brother and younger sister.
  1. Eliasib’s birthday is five days after his mom’s and three day’s before his brother’s.
  1. Eliasib has a scar from a trumpet his brother threw at him.
  1. Eliasib was born in Chicago and grew up in Michigan – Berrien Springs.
  1. Eliasib’s best friend is Alex Perez.
  1. Eliasib backpacked around Europe with Alex.
  1. Eliasib once let a pigeon eat a piece of food out of his mouth in Europe.
  1. Eliasib took pictures of the Sistine Chapel even though he wasn’t supposed to.
  1. Eliasib is obsessed with home improvement.
  1. Given the right tools, Eliasib would claim he could make anything…
  1. If dared, Eliasib would most likely perform the dare (provided it didn’t go against his moral code).
  1. Our friends often take advantage of this weakness of Eliasib.
  1. Eli is against the consumption of meat.
  1. Eliasib thinks milk is bad for you.
  1. Eliasib doesn’t read fortune cookie fortunes.
  1. Eliasib isn’t afraid to talk to anyone…anywhere…at any time.
  1. People oftentimes mistake Eli as a store employee since he is usually knowledgeable of the products and has been known to step behind the counter.
  1. Eliasib is all about the “journey” versus the “destination.”
  1. Eliasib used to like playing basketball with friends.
  1. Eliasib likes people to read to him.
  1. Eliasib once flunked spelling because he cheated and was caught.
  1. Eliasib grew up in Michigan but since moving to Florida, cannot stand the cold.
  1. Eliasib loves the beach.
  1. Eliasib once went to an amusement park wearing short-shorts because a girl told him that wearing short shorts deemphasized how skinny his legs were. Since he thinks he has skinny legs, he decided to give it a go…
  1. Eliasib’s leg hair stops WELL before his ankles because he always puts his socks on right after he showers and the leg hair hasn’t grown in.
  1. Eliasib loves animals but gets offended when they don’t really pay attention to him.
  1. Eliasib has owned a monkey in the past.
  1. Eliasib has received more tickets than I have in my car.
  1. At this moment in time, Eliasib has an outstanding ticket in another state.
  1. Eliasib has hosted only three people in his current car.
  1. Eliasib is a mild hypochondriac.
  1. If it’s free, Eliasib will take it. If you wanted to kidnap Eliasib, all you’d have to do is advertise a location with FREE STUFF!!!
  1. Eliasib can’t resist picking up pamphlets, brochures or informational packets.
  1. When screwing in screws, Eliasib HAS to leave the screw groove perpendicular to the floor.
  1. Eliasib likes to listen to talk radio but only if it is informational, NPR-ish type of talk.
  1. Eliasib used to work for a travel agent booking people’s cruise vacations.
  1. Eliasib has never been on a cruise.
  1. One of Eliasib’s favorite songs is “Pooh Corner.”
  1. Eliasib can sing most of the songs off the “Evita” soundtrack.
  1. Eliasib likes to draw and paint although he hasn’t done it in years.
  1. He believes drinking distilled water is best.
  1. Eliasib has had elective plastic surgery.
  1. His elective plastic surgery was free.
  1. Eliasib doesn’t like to backtrack since he’s already “gone that way.”
  1. When Eliasib feels like seeing animals, he’ll pop into a pet store to get his “fix.”
  1. Eliasib learned how to build his own computers.
  1. Eliasib doesn’t like to watch sports (although his fiancée does and wishes her man would).
  1. He likes to help people begging out on the streets.
  1. As much as Eliasib likes to perform home improvements, he does not like to do anything with landscaping.
  1. Eliasib likes to work on projects that END…versus projects that have to be constantly maintained. Example he would rather tile a floor than mow the lawn.
  1. Eliasib belongs to a man-spa where they cut your hair, shave you, give you facials, wax your eyebrows, etc.
  1. Eliasib likes playing videogames. (I can’t really say anything more since they’re all the same to me).
  1. Eliasib is a procrastinator.
  1. Eliasib is oftentimes running late.
  1. Eliasib likes wearing colognes.
  1. Eliasib’s a closet cat lover.
  1. Eliasib thinks he’s the Dog/Cat Whisperer after watching the TV show.
  1. Eliasib likes to shop around a lot and then not purchase anything (refer to #27).
  1. Eliasib likes to shop around for new and different beverages.
  1. Eliasib is a marketer’s dream: if a product says “New & Improved” or “The Last One You’ll Ever Need” or “Best…” he’ll want to purchase the product…just to see if it’s as good as it’s claiming.
  1. It has been remarked that Eliasib doesn’t hold any thoughts back…as in whatever he’s thinking, you’ll know.
  1. Eliasib likes both tea and coffee…(refer to #68) though he likes them both sweet.
  1. Eliasib once rented a wheelchair and pushed Valerie around Sea World all day because her foot was hurting her, and he didn’t want her to hold him back from seeing all the animals.
  1. Eliasib likes to be the driver when carpooling.
  1. Eliasib likes museums.
  1. He is a tireless explorer who wants to see everything and considers vacation NOT a time to rest since one can do that back at home.
  1. He likes to be pampered.
  1. He wants to own his own business one day so he could be his own boss.
  1. I’ve always said that Eliasib was a walking think tank. If someone followed him around to write his ideas down, there could be a lot of money made since he’s constantly looking at the world to see what could be made better.
  1. Eliasib once tackled an innocent bystanding duck. I have the pictures (and a previous blog post to prove it)
  1. Eliasib likes to window shop.
  1. Eliasib isn’t very good at remembering people’s names.
  1. Eliasib is a pretty loyal friend.
  1. Eliasib is all for alternative medical treatments.
  1. Eliasib isn’t afraid of many things, but he is afraid of jelly fish. This stems from a jelly fish incident while swimming off the coast of Italy – the island of Caprese.
  1. While snorkeling in Kauai, HI, Eliasib had too much food in his hands and an overzealous fish took a bite out of Eliasib. Eliasib had the bite marks to prove it.
  1. Eliasib is slow to anger and forgives easily.
  1. Eliasib doesn’t fold his clothes when he puts them away – he rolls them.
  1. When things aren’t balanced or aligned or centered, it really bothers Eliasib.
  1. It is difficult for Eliasib to make up his mind (refer to #27). For example, he belongs to a website where you pay about $20/month for two audio book download credits. He currently has 12 credits to his name which he has not spent – that is equivalent to six months of books. He has 36 books on his “Wishlist,” however since it is difficult for him to “commit” to purchasing a book, he has not applied any of his credits to any of the books.
  1. Eliasib likes watching the animal planet, HDTV, History Channel and National Geographic.
  1. Eliasib wouldn’t mind owning a rat or pig since he watched animal planet/national geographic shows on them which painted them as super intelligent.
  1. Cereal is a staple in Eliasib’s life.
  1. Eliasib has a cat stuffed animal he’s had almost his whole life. He has a baby portrait of him almost the same size as the cat squeezing the life out of it, and his face is all lit up and he’s laughing. The picture is really cute…and funny because the cat’s permanent face sort of looks scared.
  1. Eliasib has tiled my kitchen and bathroom as well as a room in his parent’s house.
  1. Eliasib almost enjoys public speaking.
  1. Eliasib doesn’t like schedules or anything that insinuates structure.
  1. He can’t be inside a building the whole day and claims a headache if he feels “cooped” up inside.
  1. Eliasib doesn’t like cards – doesn’t like to purchase them or write anything inside.
  1. Eliasib’s fiancée is awesome – he can’t ask for a better fiancée!
  1. Eliasib is excited about the future and what it holds.