Monday, November 28, 2005

'Tis the season...

...for Christmas decorating! Last night, while Robin was working on call, Kristin and I got out what Christmas decorations and ornaments we had and proceeded to decorate the giant Christmas tree I bought.

I didn't realize how tall Kristin was until she was standing next to her 6-foot tree. Hehe...just kidding, that tree was probably a foot tall.

Call me a non Christmas-purist, but I prefer my artificial tree to a natural one. True, it doesn't smell like a real tree, but it looked like one without having to deal with a dying tree in my entryway and Christmas tree needles finding their way into my socks and pocking the heck out of my poor little, my artificial one will do just fine.

Only problem is, my tree ornaments were bought to decorate my little Christmas tree, not my big tree.

Little ornaments + big tree = not so good.

Thank goodness Kristin had some normal-sized ornaments. But either way, we put on some Christmas music and got to decorating. I'm liking the new addition to the house. I love the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, but its been hard to truly enjoy this time of year.

This week and last week have definitely been playing mindgames on me. For being my most favorite time of the year, life has been kicking my butt. I find myself happy yet sad at the same time because of what life is throwing in the way of those that I care about.

I want to enjoy life and what I have, yet for some reason, everywhere I look, my eyes are being opened to pain and suffering.

Take for instance yesterday. The bf and I were going for a walk. From my house, we walked to Target, the mall, saw a movie, almost picked up Starbucks, and almost got to Barnes & Noble and Old Navy (have I mentioned that I LOVE where I live?!?!?!?!?).

However, during our enjoyable day exploring our little area, we passed these three homeless guys...TWICE. I will be the first to admit that I have lived quite the sheltered life in suburbia. I don't consider myself easily surprised or disgusted, though. So when I saw these three men coming our way, I didn't think I would react to them as I did. It wasn't the sight of them or the thought of them. It was the smell of them. I honestly don't know if I have ever smelled anything so ... bad!

The second time we passed them, we tried to steer a little bit aways from them, but unfortunately we were downwind, and let me tell you, it was as if we were standing right there next to them.

I was surprised that anything or anyone could smell so badly, but more than anything, I was sad. Sad that there were people that had to live like that. I wondered where their family was. I wondered what they must be feeling, thinking. Then I looked at them again, and you know what I saw? A smile! From one of the men to another. These three were friends! Although they didn't have anything, they still had the friendship of the other two, and it was enough for them at the moment.

It was a good reminder to me that I should be looking at what I had, not what was taken away from me or what I wanted but didn't have.

Happy season, everyone. Try to take some time today to consciously discover exactly what you have, and be thankful for it.


At 7:16 PM , Blogger Kristen said...

Sounds like fun!


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