Wednesday, November 16, 2005


I was just on the phone with a midwesterner, and I realized that I was speaking with a little-tiny bit of a southern accent.

Did I ever tell the story about this accountant I met up at one of our hospitals in Tennessee? She had such a deep accent, it was cute. Well, we got to talking, and she asked where I was from.

"I'm from California!" I say.

"Really! ah' used ta' live in California."


"Where 'jda go ta' school there?" she asks.

"I went to PUC for college, and Monterey Bay Academy for part of highschool."

"ME TOO!" she replies. "Ah' grew up in that area, ma' parents were faculty at MBA, so ah' spint a while there."

(seeing the visible confusion on my face)

"Its 'cause ah' have such an ac'cint, isn't it?" she smiles at me. " ain't immune ta' this!!!!!"

(For the record, she's a very wonderful, intelligent person. I just misspelled words to emphasize the southern-type drawl).

It's happening, folks. My parents noticed it, now I'm noticing it.

Anyone know of an antidote???


At 6:08 PM , Blogger Todd said...

Why wouldja want an antee-dote fer? Come on now! That nice, Southern drawl suggests a laid-back, comfortable, and friendly lifestyle. And as long as your lawn ornaments aren't cars you used to drive, then you'll fit right in! It's fun!

At 9:50 PM , Blogger Kristen said...

Sorry! The Southern accent can be very habit forming. You'll just have to enjoy being part of the Southern club for awhile. :)

At 8:24 AM , Blogger Valerie said...

it comes out more when around others with an accent. unfortunately we have a new girl at work who has a pretty thick one, and it sure wants to come out a whole lot more lately!!!

At 11:25 AM , Blogger kgr said...


hahahah... preferably socal, like, ummm... loma linda? =)

as for the accent, cute! i met some japanese esl students who had learned english in australia, saying words like 'winder' (window) and 'warsh' (wash)... hahahaha...


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