Saturday, November 05, 2005

Biblical Legos

Last night, Robin and I were having fun making lego versions of each other and Eli on the website we found on Leslie & Laura's website...we were having too much fun.

Then Robin's boyfriend called, and hearing the laughter in the background, was wondering what the heck was going on. We told him thinking he would think us crazy, but instead, he pointed us to this website.

The story of Jonah - lego style

This website told select stories of the Bible with scenes made entirely out of legos. Now, if you link to this site,, please remember that the Bible wasn't all nice cuddly, heart-warming stories. There was a lot of murder and "other stuff" that happened as well.

Warning: Not all lego scenes may be appropriate for children.

(I promised I'd make mention to that)

So, anyways, HAPPY SABBATH!!!


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