Saturday, November 05, 2005

I am sooo proud...

So I'm laying here, this beautiful Sabbath afternoon, willing my sore throat to go away and contemplating what I needed to do in order to not be a drag tonight, (and surfing the internet) and I get the following phonecall:

*ring - ring*

Val: "Hello?" (knowing full well it is the bf from the personalized latin-flavored ringtone)

Bf: "Val!"

Val: "Yeeesss...." (still engrossed with the website she was on at the moment)

Bf: "Just so you hear it from me first, Yes! I tackled and grabbed a duck."

Val: ".........?................."

Bf: "Hello?"

Val: "So I don't misquote this on my blog, you just said, 'Just so you hear it from me first, Yes! I tackled and grabbed a duck'???"

Val: (now speaking to herself) "Where the heck is paper when you need it...I need to write this down..."

Bf: "Val...wait!"

Val: (to the bf) "Is that right? I have never heard a phrase like that, and i doubt i ever will again, so is that right?"

Apparently there are pictures of this act which somehow the bf's memory is starting to get fuzzy about.

Must - obtain - said - pictures - and - post...


At 11:44 AM , Blogger Kristen said...

I can't say much because more than likely my bf was involved....!

At 12:50 PM , Blogger Valerie said...

yes, i believe he was the taker of the pictures i must get my hands on!!!

At 10:25 PM , Blogger Todd said...

Dude! Where's my pictures! And if it makes Kristen feel any better, Kevin was as much shocked as everyone else. Dagnabbit, we need photographic proof!


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