Saturday, November 12, 2005


The other week, the boyfriend and I took a compatibility test.

"Como?!?" You may ask, since yes, we have been together for pretty much three years and should know if we're compatible by now, right???

If you're serious about someone, I recommend taking this test the second you realize you are serious. I'm still a little bit fuzzy on the actual name of the test, but it may be called the 16PF Personality Inventory test. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Needless to say, after taking the 187-question test, the resulting scores were as the boyfriend and I expected.


Anyone that knows us as a couple more than likely has concluded as such...and we knew it as well...but it was nice to hear it from someone else who was not emotionally involved.

Anyways, I'm not going to go into detail on how we tested as a couple, but I did want to talk about how I scored.

Here's me, for anyone interested (on a scale of 1 - 10, 4 - 7 being characteristic of the norm in women):

8 - (closer to) Warm, Outgoing, Kindly, Easy-going, Participating, Likes People

8 - (closer to) Abstract-thinking, More Intelligent, Bright

9 - (closer to) Emotionally Stable, Mature, Faces Reality, Calm

6 - (closer to) Dominant, Assertive, Aggressive, Stubborn, Competitive, Bossy

7 - (closer to) Enthusiastic, Spontaneous, Heedless, Espressive, Cheerful

10 - (closer to) Conscientious, Conforming, Moralistic, Staid, Rule-bound

8 - (closer to) Bold, Venturesome, Uninhibited, Can Take Stress

6 - (closer to) Tender-minded, Sensitive, Over-protected, Intuitive, Refined

5 - (closer to) Trusting, Accepting Conditions, Easy to get on with

3 - (closer to) Practical, Concerned with "Down to Earth" Issues, Steady

4 - (closer to) Forthright, Unpretentious, Open, Genuine, Artless

4 - (closer to) Self-assured, Secure, Feels Free of Guilt, Untroubled, Self-satified

5 - (closer to) Conservative, Respecting Traditional Ideas

6 - (closer to) Self-sufficient, Resourceful, Prefers Own Decisions

5 - (closer to) Undisciplined Self-conflict, Lax, Careless of Social Rules

7 - (closer to) Tense, Frustrated, Overwrought, Has High Drive

I wrote "closer to" because each characteristic had an extreme characteristic on each side of the 1 - 10. For instance, for the characteristic where I scored a "10," if I had scored below a "5," I would've been closer to "Expedient, Disregards Rules, Self-indulgent."

The test also spits out a whole document about what people with our scores (and combination of scores) would prefer from a professional standpoint, which was pretty on, and how they function in a relationship.

Robin was reading my results and concluded that after knowing each other for ten years, she had learned something about me...and you know what, I learned something about myself, too, and how I can be.

Robin is always saying how much I've changed since highschool, but you know, I'm not taking it as a bad thing. I think we all grow and develop even more every day. I'm all for that.


At 4:25 PM , Blogger Todd said...

It kind of sounds to me like a MYers-Briggs type test. I know I took that one once (well several times really, but the result was always the same) and it give you the careers you'd probably find most appealing, and the personality types you'd probably be most compatible with. It just stands to reason that they'd make a hybrid one for couples that compares the two. But it sure is a learning experience, isn't it?


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