Sunday, September 18, 2005

Saturday night we decided to go to Indian Food, but we had to wait to be seated. Of course, that resulted in getting in and eating at a late hour, which was fine since, what else are we gonna do, right???

The difference between this Saturday night and normal Saturday nights was that we weren't a good 50%-50% mix of females and males. Last night was mostly a bunch of males and Amy and me...and boy what a difference that made! At one point, I looked across the table at Amy, and I think her eyes were glazed over like mine...I think they were talking about bio-diesel and car parts and stuff...*sigh* Annette, Kristin, Kristen, COME BACK!!!

Afterwards, while we were paying, Sean and Kevin - two VERY physically fit guys - were trying to see who could do the whole sticking-out-the-stomach-like-a-pregnant-person thing better. Sorry, Kevin, I think Sean had you on this one.

Kristen & Amy have some 'xplainin' to do!!!

Posted by Val


At 12:00 PM , Blogger Kristen said...

It wasn't me I swear! KEVIN????


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