Tuesday, August 09, 2005

M & M's (Lunch Break Post)

M & M's

Posted by Val
I get teased for liking to organize my M & M's (any kind other than plain) by colors. I don't buy candy very often, i'm more of a chips and nuts sort of person myself, but for some reason, today's lunch felt lacking in the sweet/salty sort of way.

Anyways, i like to line up my m&m's next to each other in rows by color (in the order of the colors of the rainbow) and eat colors that have the most m & m's in an even fashion until i have all the rows with equal numbers of m & m's for each color represented. then i finish them off by eating one of each color in order to keep the rows equal.

Unfortunately, when i opened up my little bag, yellow (7), green (7), and blue (6) dominated red (1), orange (1), and brown (2). that ruined my method of eating my m & m's! i mean, might as well eat it alll......regular if i'm just working down to the red & orange (1 each).

*sigh* will anything go right for me this week?????

...ya know...before I go to H-A-W-A-I-I!!!!! :)

I know, i know...this trip is going to suck because i'm looking forward to it so much...

n-e-ways...how do YOU eat your M & M's???


At 12:40 PM , Blogger Kristen said...

Now that's exciting and so related! I can see why candy would make you think of ceiling fans. Is this like blog spam???

Anyways. You are funny Val! I pretty much eat my m & m's out of the bag. Skittles on the other hand, those I'm more picky about!

At 7:18 PM , Blogger Valerie said...

Are there blog spam now???

And here I am thinking cool! New readers...dang.....

At 8:04 AM , Blogger Valerie said...

Jim...stop blog-spamming me!!!

At 8:51 PM , Blogger Todd said...

Well, two things. I eat my M & M's one at a time (or sometimes in pairs, depending on how many there are). I don't usually line them up, but it's not because I don't see the attraction, it's just that I want to eat them more than I want to line them up.

As for the "blog spam" I think you have the option to delete comments, as I recall........

At 3:37 AM , Blogger Valerie said...

Yes, I've deleted some comments here...


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