Friday, August 05, 2005

The Couple that Laughs Together...

Back in college, a friend once told me that you were 'permitted' to stay up the latest on Thursday nights since Fridays were usually short days, and (since everyone knows you feel the effects of a late night the morning after the morning after a late night) you can sleep in on Sabbath morning. I completely agree with that line of thinking...Thursdays are the nights (if any) to stay up late!!!!!

So Kristin and I went and looked at a beautiful bridal gown (she's going to be soooo beautiful on her wedding day...not that she's not now, of course :)), then went and and caught Wedding Crashers. Its pretty funny if you haven't already seen it.

Afterwards, Eli and I held true to the Thursday Night Rule (staying up late) and flipped around on the tv while surfing the internet. He landed somehow on Spike TV and on the late night show that I think is entitled "Most Extreme Elimination Challenge"(MXC).

Now this show is set in Japan, and is completed dubbed in English. I was wondering if they were actually dubbing accurately because the comments that they were dubbing were so very odd though hilarious. The point of the show is for contestents to take part in all sorts of challenges (mostly physical, I think) that just make them look completley silly. I've seen them try to run across a small river on river logs, or make it through various obstacles without being hit off by a gigantic fist, or something like that.

Last night, much to my "we're not going to watch this are we?!?!?!?!", we watched and laughed for some time. The one we laughed at the most was set up like this:

this episode all the challenges were set in snow. This one challenge in particular, four doorways were connected together in one panel, and four panels were stacked probably 50 feet behind each other with a man dressed up in a big Japanese warrior outfit (made to look like something you'd see in a kids cartoon) standing between panels two and three. So, the goal of the game was to pick the door on each panel that was actually a door and not blocked by a wood panel or a net and get through the fourth panel as fast as you could. Oh, and you didn't open the doors, you just broke through the paper.

The results were so funny, Eli and I were just sitting there laughing our heinies off. Don't know if it was the late night, or if we were truely enjoying watching these people running full speed to bust through the first panel by choosing the correct 'door,' only to run smack dab into a 'door' that wasn't a door...all these people crashing to the ground when they thought they were going to run through a door was just hilarious!!!!! was fun to sit and laugh with the bf. i had heard a statistic that married couples only speak with each other face to face an average of four minutes a day...could you believe that??? that's just so sad. I'm not married, but after being with someone for years, i've seen that that statistic could actually be more true than anything.

it was weird to actually feel like the bf and i were actually relaxing and having fun together... with life to live and responsibilities to everything and everyone under the sun, its so easy to take for granted the person standing right there next to you.

So, this weekend, i encourage everyone to really truely enjoy yourself with those closest to you. Don't take their presence or them for granted. do something nice for them!!!

or just watch MXC. It'll be fun!!!!!


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