Friday, August 05, 2005

Movie Refunds legal eagles out there, please set me straight if I'm wrong, but I heard that if you can prove that you bought a ticket for any of the following movies betwen the dates August 3, 2000 and October 31, 2001, you are entitled to $5 a refund from Sony Pictures.

  • Hollow Man
  • Vertical Limit
  • A Knight's Tale
  • The Animal

I didn't read the Court Notice , I heard it on The Daily Buzz, but you have to download a form and all that stuff. I thought that was interesting, though I don't plan on actively getting my $$$$$ back. But feel free to read the notice and let me know if I am mistaken in anyway.

Oh, and this is because between that time frame, advertisements for the movies included a reference to a movie critic's review of the movie...and lo and behold, the man cited for his (i'm sure) fabulous review of the movie DIDN'T EXIST! hmmm....getting them on false advertising, i believe.


At 1:57 PM , Blogger Kristen said...

What was the reason for this act of "generosity?"

At 2:31 PM , Blogger Valerie said...

Okay, I updated the post just for you, Kristen! :)

At 8:59 PM , Blogger Todd said...

Well, the reason is that Sony Pictures made up good reviews for some of its movies. Basically, in the movies Val listed, Sony used quotes from critics who don't exist, therefore making up their own positive movie quotes. I guess some fans sued in a class action suit so, if you went to a theatre to see any of the movies, you get a $5.00 refund. The left over money goes to charity. I find the whole thing rather amusing!


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