Tuesday, March 29, 2005

The Cat of My Life

Growing up i didn't have pets. well, i don't count the goldfish or the short stints we had a dog and a hamster. unfortunately, neither of those stayed in the house very long...

hehe...well, the hamster got away and somehow made it into the walls of our house... so i suppose you could say that the hamster stayed longer than i remember, but that's neither here nor there...

and with the dog...well, i always wondered what happened to the dog since i was old enough that i remember the dog (and the feeding of doritos to it by yours truely), but young enough that i didn't exactly remember when it disappeared. needless to say, i asked my mom about it a couple years ago wondering if it really did run off like i was told. NOPE! parentals lied to their young trusting daughter. it was given away!!!

yet, through it all, i always considered myself more of a would-be dog person than a would-be cat person. don't know why, just always thought i'd swing that way.

so when my roommate suggested we get a cat a year and a half ago, i searched my soul and found i didn't really mind. and when we found a cat, but was told we needed to take his brother if we wanted the cat, i once again soul-searched and found my soul...wanting a cat.

and that's how Oreo and Zorro entered my house. In the time since, i fell in love with both cats, but my heart was broken when Zorro was found on the side of the road in perfect condition other than alive. And since then, Oreo has been the cat of the house. we have hosted two other visiting cats and one small pomeranian dog in my house, but he's the master of this house. he comes and goes when he wants. no nook or cranny goes unexpected with Oreo around. he's my independent yet dependent boarder in my house.

within the upcoming months, he's going to be moving into another house with potentially three other cats. yup, three girls, four cats.

but he'll still be the cat of the house. :)

Oreo - mi gato Posted by Hello


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