Friday, March 11, 2005

Floridian Campers

Just to give you a glimpse of my life here...

A couple weeks ago, a bunch of friend invited me to go camping. It was such a great idea that we decided that we wanted to do it again! Hence, our "planned" trip camping once again next weekend.

Although we had quite a bit of fun, our camping experience was only one night, therefore, we had the pleasure of setting up most of the camp by lantern, eating big franks and chili and, of course, roasting marshmellows for smores. could you believe there were ones in the group that had never done that? hehe...they thought we were trying to mimic the smores cereal. pa-leease!

then we hung out by the fire fed by logs taken from the 'village log pile.' we had a nice roaring fire...hope that family with the six kids were warm enough...hmmm...

we then woke up to pancakes and were treated to a stream of horses and their riders. yup, the road running in front of our campsite was shared by a horse "race." (they said it wasn't a competitive thing, that it was just for fun. they were only doing it to raise money for the state park, year right...tell that to the first lady that rode by with the huge grin on her face...)

we then packed up and roamed around...looking for the bathrooms!!!!! yes...OUR CAMPSITE WAS SANS BATHROOMS!!! not even a porta-potty! i had never felt so close to those girls as I did on that fateful night when we all left in a pack (just in case one of us got carried away by a pack of wild alligators or something) and picked our favorite tree by the soft moonrays sifting through the branches of the semi-dense "forest".....and "did our thang" a very lady-like manner, of course...

Didn't sit well with some of the guys have to admit you're at a little bit of an advantage over us in that area.

needless to say, our camping experience was too short. bathroom-less, but fun. i'll definitely fill everyone in on this upcoming trip. there'd better be bathrooms, though...shooo......

Campers roughing it, obviously Posted by Hello


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