Saturday, March 12, 2005

Thought I'd take a minute to talk about the people in my life. here's a picture of my family this last Christmas 2004. The newest addition would be that of Brad Marlow (the one on the right), my new brother-in-law. He's the coolest, and we're all glad to have him in the family.

My mom and dad left in the wee hours of the morning for Philippines. I think i'm the only one worried about them. You see, my dad has been having heart problems which landed him in the emergency room a couple weeks ago. he's been under observation, but i suppose my mom can do all of that, being a nurse and all. i'm just praying for them to have a safe trip. please keep them in your prayers. being out here in Florida has definitely made me a bit more sentimental when it comes to family. i guess you really don't know what you have until you lose it. i swear, at one point in time, my mom wondered whether her two daughters would ever be, i love my sister and love our occasional talks. hehe... by the way, if you know my sister, you're going to have to ask her about the gift i gave her for her last birthday.....hehe...i was quite proud of that one. :)

anyways, i really miss my family, but not enough to pack up and move...not yet, at least. ask me when i have a little niece or nephew Marlow :).

okay, gotta run. Happy sabbath! (i'm liking this whole blog thing! if anyone wants me to post a link to their sites, let me know!!!

Mi familia...what a cute bunch! :) Posted by Hello


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