Sunday, April 16, 2006

Anti Filipino-Time

I must admit, it has been a REALLY long time since I've felt like writing anything here...I mean, I have thoughts, don't get me wrong, but I'm not one of those people who like to constantly be pushing them onto people...its for some people (bf, included), but not for me.

Of course, occasionally I get hit with something that just makes me want to...I dunno...SAY SOMETHING!

This being one of those topics: Timeliness, being on time, filipino time, etc...

I have a question, people out there. no offense to how you live your life or anything, but I would love to understand the thought process that goes on in one's mind when, faced with being timely or not, one chooses that being on time doesn't really matter. I would HONESTLY love to know the rationale behind how one determines that it is okay to be late.

I, unfortunately, cannot often come to the conclusion that being late makes sense. the only way I actually can come to the conclusion that being late makes sense is when I am feeling particularly selfish that day. That being said, here are the reasons why I normally conclude that I should be on time:

1) I respect other people's time. I don't assume that other parties included in the set time are going to be late since I'm such a positive person (*smile*), therefore I assume they will be showing up on time, and I would not want them sitting there waiting for me. It would go against my whole personal ethic to be the one responsible for hindering whatever is supposed to start to actually...start.

When a time is set, I assume that the time setter actually has thought about the time and has concluded that the time being set was the best time to actually begin. If I am to assume that the set time was a "general time frame," I would assume that I would be told that it was indeed a "general time frame," or something along the lines.

2) Conservatism. If everyone else in the group is late, yet I am on time, everyone else can name everyone else in the blame game. I did my part, the others have not. I am not responsible for everyone else, just myself. I won't be trying to claim that i can be late because someone else will be late...why compare myself to others when the obvious bar is what is expected? why say, "i'm better than joe-schmoe" who came in 30 seconds before when, when i can say, "i was on time."?????

Besides, why take the chance? Better early and definitely on time and not at fault than being late and possibly the one person everyone is waiting on? Why chance it?

(as you can see, some of these points sort of run together)

3) Work Ethic. Is the personality trait of being reliable such a bad thing? Is it not important to reinforce that you are a reliable person both in one's professional and personal life? If someone can't be counted on to show up on time, how can they be counted on to perform with other tasks?

The only way I could fathom not being on time for something that I am involved in and counted on to do something, (i'm not talking a party that starts at 7pm and ends at 11pm that i'm just showing up to) is that i'm purposely being selfish. Meaning, I want to sleep a couple more minutes or that I'm sure someone could fill in if I'm late.

Both, to me, show selfishness and the shirking of responsibility.

I know everyone lives their lives differently. I respect that. I don't try to force anyone to live the way I choose to live. However, if someone else's actions reflect on me, or if i have to deal with the consequences, then I suppose I feel as if I also should have a say in how things unfold and progress. i would think that a fair trade.

Anyways, I'm tired of ranting. I welcome any thoughts. I'm not trying to be passive-aggressive or anything, this is just something I came up against this last weekend, and, try as I might, I just could not figure out the thought process behind consistent lateness.

If I'm wrong, I'd like to know. I don't stress out about being on time, its just something that happens because I try to plan ahead.

anyways, yes, thoughts, please.



At 12:56 AM , Blogger m said...

i agree. being habitually late is rude and selfish. and you have a double-whammy... filipino's are known for lateness as well as sda's in general... i never knew about the sda factor until i worked at fh. meetings NEVER start on time there....

At 12:57 AM , Blogger m said...

just to clarify... i am in no way calling fillipino's or sda's rude and selfish... hahaha

At 8:03 PM , Blogger Todd said...

I don't know, and that's the honest truth. I agree with you because I try and be as punctual as possible. To me it's a respect thing, and if I am running late I try and call and say so. Not to say I'm never late, but if I say I'm going to be somewhere at such and such a time, then I'm darn sure going to try my best to get there at that time!

But that's just me...

At 11:35 PM , Blogger Kristen said...

Okay, being one of those people who generally runs 5 or 10 minutes late I will attempt to explain why I and maybe other's like me do this. Please keep in mind though, that I think being really late is annoying as well.

There are two main reasons that I have come up with as to why I am often a little late.

1. I HATE being early. Unless I'm helping plan or cook or entertain or something, I don't like to be early. I'm afraid of being uncomfortable or having to make polite conversations with random people while we wait for the rest of the party to show up.
2. I tend to underestimate the amount of time it will take for me to get somewhere. Let's say I actually get ready for work in 20 minutes one morning. Now I'm assuming that I should naturally be able to keep hitting that snooze because hey, I can get ready in 20 minutes right?

At 3:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree with kristen... it's not that you actually THINK about being late like "i'm gonna make those people wait another five minutes for me..." or anything... and for me... i don't really know what the problem is... i can't explain it. i live two minutes from work (in a town where traffic DOES NOT EXIST), but no matter how hard i try, i'm consistently five minutes late. even if i actually get out of bed ten minutes earlier... it doesn't matter. i'm still late. selfish...? maybe... but more like... it doesn't really matter if i'm late to work because nobody else's job actually depends on my being on time. now when it does matter... for instance, i have a group using my meeting rooms and i have to be there at the start of their meetings... i am ALWAYS on time if not early. so you see, i think it's a dependability thing... if i know that my late-ness is going to matter than i don't make it an issue. if it's not going to matter, than why not get those few extra minutes of sleep?? so, yeah... i guess i am... SELFISH!! but i love it!


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