Tuesday, July 19, 2005

You have some smokes???

Okay, as a disclaimer, I wrote this before my last post, but after writing it, I figured, well, I might be the one that was expecting too much, so I posted the questions. But after reading everyone's comments on the below question, I figured I wasn't so way off, maybe just a little...so i figured I'd post this anyways since I wrote it and all.

I also wrote this post in dismay, not anger...


So, this weekend, I realized...the little things really do count! You know how in the movie "The Wedding Singer" with Adam Sandler, his and Drew Barrymore's character used the "little thing" of letting them sit in the window seat as a sign of the person's character and how much they really loved them...

Well, this weekend, I caught my manfriend doing something that I just couldn't believe. He was... he was... *sigh* C-H-E-W-I-N-G G-U-M. That in and of itself isn't bad at all...but here's the thing folks...


You see...he had gum and he didn't offer me any.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, people, but if you have gum or mints, and you go for one, the only polite thing to do is offer some to the people around you. Right?????

If you don't know the people around you, and you don't have that many, fine. Slip a piece. But if you only have one piece, and you're with a close friend, haven't you found yourself saying, "well, i don't have another one, but you wanna split?"

you know what i mean, people, and if you don't, daaaaannnnnggg.... give a little!

So, when I found my m-friend chewing a piece and i wasn't...i was almost offended...i mean, come one! he then offered me a piece, and honest to goodness, i felt bad because it looked like he was given his piece, and I had totally given him grief about nothing. but, to my dismay, i found him again, today, chewing. and the truth came out...he had a whole freaking pack in his pocket!

his excuse??? I should've asked. we've been dating for some time now, it should be known that whatever he has, i could have some, too. but if i didn't know the option existed, how could i request a piece, i ask you?????

its like, do i go around asking my friends, "You got some smokes? You know, cigarettes???" or, "hey, you have a chainsaw on you???"

okay, a little exaggerated, but you get the idea.....

sheesh...it really is the little things that count. oh, and i now know to ask for anything i wish for at the moment and assume it resides in his pockets...unless told otherwise.

I know, I'm a total brat. :)


At 4:35 PM , Blogger kgr said...

dude... he should totally offer! hahaha =) well, at least now, after reading this post. =)

At 6:06 PM , Blogger Kristen said...

I knew there was a story behind your posting! Eliiiiiii! :)

At 10:40 PM , Blogger Todd said...

Okay, first of all, as a woman, you should know that boys are stupid, I mean, it's like in your handbook or something. Secondly, your man does have a point. He's not a mind reader, no matter how much either of you would like that, and he likely forgot he had gum at all, so asking would have prompted his memory and helped him identify your need. That whole silent voodoo look thing that girls can do with each other....yeah guys don't get that at all so....hey, he gave a piece on request, right? :-P

At 11:10 AM , Blogger kgr said...

ok TODD!!! lemme point out a few flaws in your argument #2 =) all in good fun, of course ;)

a - we never claimed he should be a mind reader.

and b - he couldn't have forgotten he had gum, since he obviously remembered enough to pop one into his own mouth

i think the underlying message to val's post is that she'd like to be thought of, not that he read her mind. should he be putting gum into his own mouth, she would like to be offered one as well. in fact, this is the total opposite of mind reading, as she has made this fact plainly known in the last three postings on her blog.

so there! =P

At 8:07 PM , Blogger m said...

this post is so much fun, i just had to join in and add a coment of my own...

1. ENOUGH with the whole "boys are stupid" thing. it's a total cop-out (sorry, Todd). the only thing accomplished with the whole "men are from mars and women are from venus" nonsense is that men get let off the hook for being inconsiderate and women get let off the hook for being nags. i could go on and on but that might be better saved for my blog posting than clogging up vals! (by the way, thanks for the inspiration...)

2. i'm sensing this is not really about a piece of gum... sounds more like val is questioning a spirit of giving verses a spirit of selfishness. i think the question to ask yourself, val, is: does this gum situation mirror other situations in your relationship? do you often feel like something, anything, is not being freely offered up to you or is being kept from you?

3. if it really is just about a piece of gum, then - yes - by all means, give the poor guy a break! ;-)

At 10:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you disappeared? Nothing for a month? Awwww...

Todd Lokken


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